This is for both the men and the women out there, for two different reasons.
Almost three years ago today, I began ring shopping. Bot not JUST shopping. I was hunting. I was hunting for a designer who could make a custom ring, something truly special for Grace, my now wife.
After visiting a ring shop, you know, one of the those typical companies, I was unimpressed. Not just with the process, but also with the quality of care and intentionality. No. I wanted something more, something different, something unique.
Now, as an architecture student at the time, I was accustomed to drawing plenty in my days. So, I took out some trace paper and began making my “perfect design”. I brainstormed for several hours about what I wanted, whether meaning for the Church or our relationship.
Ultimately, I arrived at a couple of important factors. I focused on the time that we had been dating thus far, comprised of 5 long years (by the time I proposed), which included several periods of time where long distance was the only option.
I also focused on the rosary, incorporating a total of 59 small bead like details on the ring in various places for the 59 beads of the rosary.
Lastly, I incorporated a trinitarian symbol, indicative of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is also symbolic of marriage, with husband, wife, and God. All of these elements came together to form the beautiful ring you see in the picture below.
In order to close this post out, I leave you with this:
For the men: Let yourself dream of the endless possibilities. Aspire to wow your future bride with something never seen before and never again repeated. Don’t settle for what the industry says is “standard”. I personally found a ring designer who was Catholic, just like Grace and me, and he was willing to help implement a meaningful design into the ring I wanted to propose with.
For the ladies: This is not the standard. You could describe me as “extra”, and you’d probably be right. Heck, my own wife says that I am. With that said, tell your man what you want, what you desire. You never know what might come out of expressing yourself as well as the possibilities.
As a caveat, however, be happy with whatever you are able to do and whatever options you might have. I was blessed to be introduced by my own dad to the ring designer who helped me. Your story will be different and as such, you may find a different way to make a proposal unique and truly memorable.
Author: Michael